Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Post Numero Uno!


So this is day 1 of my blog. I had planned on making a blog for a while, so here's my objectives:
1) Give a totally biased but reasonably funny view of the NHL and it's teams (I'm a Anaheim Ducks fan, by the way)
2) Post on other things hockey related, with emphasis on goaltending.
3)Talk about Marching Band, since it is awesome!
4)Give a few random insights into my life.

That should be enough to fill my time, right?

Well, lets get started! My first real post, coming right up!

So i'm a goalie in ice hockey, and our team ain't all that great! I'm not all that bad, but when you make 25 saves and your team still loses, it's hard. But I'm an all-star! Yeah, that's right! Honda Center, January 22nd, baby! Add all that into annoying finals week in my last three days of my high school semester, and the stupid NHL lockout, life gets interesting! Marching season is over (finally, I have time to do my homework, at a decent time, too!), and I decide, you know, lets write a blog! Lets get it all down, so other people scrolling through blogspot can read it, laugh,m and tell their friends! (that's known as a suggestion, by the way) So i'm just going to suggest some stuff to look up, like reading about the "Top-10 best hockey pictures of 2012" from Puck Daddy at Yahoo! Sports. That guy is an interesting person, to say the least. Here's the link: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nhl--2012-year-in-review--puck-daddy%E2%80%99s-10-most-memorable-hockey-images-of-2012-155953528.html;_ylt=As7vCpKoCVoY6IITIw38YwCRbcp_;_ylu=X3oDMTRxZnVwbTlpBGNjb2RlA3ZzaGFyZWFnMnVwcmVzdARtaXQDTWl4ZWQgTGlzdCBOZXdzIEZvciBZb3UEcGtnA2RkNTVmMzFlLTY2MDAtM2M2YS05NjBjLWM2ZDdhMDZkNjJiZARwb3MDMQRzZWMDbmV3c19mb3JfeW91BHZlcgM0N2JiYjlkMi00OTJjLTExZTItYWZlNS1jMzlkZDUyZDY4YmY-;_ylg=X3oDMTMwMW9sNDE2BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDZjEyZTBkNjgtNGJkMS0zNjYwLThhZjMtMWQwZDRmNDY5NzZiBHBzdGNhdANuaGx8cHVja2RhZGR5BHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ--;_ylv=3

Yeah, long link, right?

Closing out for now!

The Bement

P.S. Go to the link for the NHL lockout petition and sign it!

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